QUANTUMatter2025 Grenoble (May 20-23, 2025)

The 5th edition of the Quantum Matter International Conference & Expo – QUANTUMatter 2025 (Grenoble, France) – aims at gathering the various communities engaged in the science and technologies of quantum information and quantum matter, to foster the incubation of new ideas & collaborations at the forefront of quantum technologies, emerging quantum materials and novel generations of quantum communication protocols, quantum sensing and quantum simulation.

More than 600 participants are expected at QUANTUMatter2025 and around 25-30 exhibitors.

QUANTUMatter2025 will have in addition to scientific plenary sessions, a 2 days industrial forum showcasing the most advanced quantum technologies, tutorials and 7 parallel workshops.

More info https://www.quantumconf.eu/2025/program.php