Gure blog-a

European Technologies for Sustainability - Project ET4S

15 th of October 2020. European Technology for Sustainabillity - eT4S -support the development of collaboration and business agreementsbetween the EU and North America (North East Coast of the USA- an...

European Technologies for Sustainability - Project ET4S
Jon Mitxelena
urriak 2020 — 7786 bisita
Cybasque zibersegurtasuneko euskal enpresen elkartea sortu da

La Asociación de Industrias de Ciberseguridad del País Vasco celebra su Asamblea Constituyente y presenta su programa de acciones 42 empresas se han integrado ya en la Asociación, presidida por Xabier...

Cybasque zibersegurtasuneko euskal enpresen elkartea sortu da
Administrador Gaia
urriak 2020 — 10473 bisita
Smart by Design Project

The aim of the project is to develop the competences of SME managers and owners to drive smart disruptive technology business. ​The duration of the project is 2 years, starting in October 2019. THE PR...

Smart by Design Project
Beatriz Salamanca
urriak 2020 — 9554 bisita