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Smart city challenges

The Smart City concept continues to be a subject to debate, and definitions of smart cities vary. However, in most cases, smart cities are connected to initiatives that use digital innovation to make ...

Smart city challenges
Lander Berrueta
September 2021 — 4051 views
SmartApps- the solution for smart living in smart cities

When we think of smart city solutions, a few keywords come to our minds such as smart mobility, smart grids or waste reduction, but it is important to also look at Smart Living solutions. There is a w...

SmartApps- the solution for smart living in smart cities
Lander Berrueta
August 2021 — 3590 views
Smart Cities in need of cybersecurity

Technologies are expected to help citizens make better informed decisions. But, the adoption of new technologies which are connected to the network, always comes with inherent risks. Moreover, with th...

Smart Cities in need of cybersecurity
Lander Berrueta
June 2021 — 3521 views
Smart Cities

Smart Cities are known to combine the use of cross-cutting and innovative technologies (ICT but not only) to improve the provision of urban-based services to citizens in a more efficient way if compar...

Smart Cities
Lander Berrueta
June 2021 — 3674 views