According to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Fund, “the cultural and creative industries generate merit to people-centred value, sustainable urban development, development of creativity and culture, and contribute to the achievement of 2030 Agenda”.
This third camp is focused on Sustainable Development and is the last of a series of three virtual events addressing specific themes on which the Community of creatives and social innovators of the Mediterranean is working: Open Innovation for Society in May 2021, Industrial Transformation last November, and this one, Sustainable Development, that will take place on the 5th of April 2022.
The Camp is open to practitioners, policymakers, field experts, stakeholders, civil servants, SMEs and start-ups, PanoraMED representatives, Social&Creative partners and associates, and S&C modular projects.
The S&C Innovation Camp #3 is a whole day online event starting with a morning conference followed by an afternoon participatory workshop. The event will be in English and anyone can attend both parts of the event, conference and workshop, but can also attend one of them if you wish. You will need to register so book your seat on the link at the end of this page.
The morning conference
The morning conference, from 10h to 13h CET, is open to anyone who is interested in the topic of Culture & Creative Industries and Sustainable Development. You will be able to listen to leading experts in the field and real change-makers that will share their experiences of successful cases of CCIs and their key role in Sustainable Development. We will try to understand how cultural and creative industries are contributing to the systems of social change with a significant non-monetary value to inclusive social development, to dialogue and understanding between people and organisations - see S&C policy brief Social and Creative Industries and Sustainable Development.
The afternoon participatory workshop
The afternoon participatory workshop, also called Focus and Working groups online session, takes place on the same day from 14h to 16.30h CET.
The session is designed as a dynamic and participatory workshop where we want to understand the transferability potential for methodologies, tools and services designed and developed in past modular projects for a greater impact and the feasibility to be adapted and implemented in other places.
As a participant in the session we will send to you a voluntary short activity to prepare beforehand so we make sure you all make the most of the session. We want to encourage you to participate actively in the discussion and reflect with the experts directly involved in the implementation of the modular projects.
You can choose one of the following topics when registering:
- Public Procurement of Innovation a win-win solution for public services and enterprise competitiveness | Prominent MED
The PPI represents a Copernican revolution in the management of public tender where the procurer collaborates with the market to identify and adopt the best available solution to improve the quality of the services for citizens. On the other hand, the companies have the opportunity to propose their most advanced solutions to the procurer promoting their market uptake and upscaling. This collaboration creates a win-win situation where the enterprises profit from new business opportunities and the procurers can guarantee high quality standards services for users.
Participants of the Prominent MED group session will get an insight with concrete examples of the opportunities which PPI can guarantee both to buyers and suppliers.
2. Intangible heritage as creative tool for resilient and sustainable growth | MD.Net
MD.Net focus is Mediterranean Diet because MD agri-food processes are sustainable for the ecosystem, MD products are Healthy and help to fight human chronic diseases, MD territories are shaped by human attention to natural processes, thus responding to Earth needs of Agricultural Landscape care. The MD involves a set of skills, knowledge, rituals, symbols and traditions concerning cultures, landscape, lifestyle, ways to work (crops, harvesting, fishing, animal husbandry, conservation, processing, cooking, sharing and consumption of food products) characterizing a powerful has built a transnational network sharing and experimenting new methodologies to work within local communities, It has gathered quadruple helix stakeholders in order to lift the MD economy to new quality levels.
The session will present the project results in terms of capitalization opportunities for the stakeholders with particular regard to SDGs 12 and 15 and explore collaboration possibilities with participants.
3. Future scenarios for the Sharing & Collaborative economy | Open DOORS
Exploring the transforming role of technology, creativity and social innovation in the new economy. The future of human societies and the future of the new Economy (Sharing or Collaborative Economy) is inextricably linked to the development (both in quantitative and qualitative terms) of the Internet and the digital platforms and devices. The more people using the Internet, and digital platforms/devices, the greater likelihood of new ideas emerging that lead to new businesses able to transform social life.
This session will explore the possibility to capitalize the results of the Open DOORS projects and propose a new thematic cooperation among relevant stakeholders
If you are interested in attending please register soon, as the number of participants in each group are limited. You will receive an email from us confirming your space and further information about the agenda and the voluntary short activity we will invite you to prepare for the session.
Both the conference and Focus and Working group session share the focus Sustainable Development but you can attend them independently.
Follow us on Facebook for all the updates on speakers and agenda! More info are also available on the Community website.
The Innovation Camp #3 is organized by ENoLL within the Interreg MED Social&Creative Community.