Hi! Remember the DTAM project? Perhaps it’s been
awhile since you last checked upon us, so it is probably worth
saying what’s all this about right?
“An Integral Training
Curriculum for EU technicians to deploy and manage digital tools in
Smart Manufacturing” or DTAM for short, is a
3-year international project financed under the Erasmus+ program of
the European Union. It came as a result of the recognized need for
initial and adaptive training for both operational and ICT
technicians to face the emerging technological and digital
transformation inherent in evolved manufacturing processes.
Therefore, DTAM aims to deliver a new curriculum in digital
transformation dedicated to the quality training of mid-high-level
technicians in key enabling technologies for Advanced
Manufacturing. Our flexible multidisciplinary modular training with
access for learners to a network of remote IoT labs will help grow
a workforce of technicians capable of understanding, installing,
configuring, monitoring, analyzing, transferring data, and
maintaining digital systems in advanced manufacturing environments.
We totally invite you to
learn more about the project by visiting our official
website or by just watching the
video summary of the project below.
DTAM IoT Hub is in the
The next in our efforts is to establish the
DTAM IoT International network with an open call for VET centers
with an IoT lab (or a lab projected / under construction) to
participate in the DTAM open lab initiative.
In the meantime, we are also doing a final lap with our
IoT Hub, which will offer a description of each of the DTAM
partner’s lab and specific performance capacities and an online
centralized reservation service through which student groups in
IVET/CVET courses or individuals (self-learners) anywhere, will be
able to accede to the labs for practice sessions. The hub will
also inform companies who will supply and demand the labs of
capacities and available services.
Both activities are aiming to attract and grow the
international network of DTAM labs, making more labs available for
learners via the DTAM hub or IoT creation experiences available for
VET 4.0 centers.
The DTAM International network expanded beyond the
partnership (as a planned result) and will be officially launched
at the final Multiplier Events of the project i.e., Fall
2023. Are you interested in joining our network? Email us
at info@dtamproject.eu.
DTAM Training
We have to say, we are very proud of the DTAM training
course turned out. We also realise that in order for it be
sustainable we need to provide more support in its implementation
and adoption troughout VET institutions across the EU. With that in
mind, we created the DTAM training methodology to aid one of
DTAM project's main target groups in the future i.e. VET educators.
DTAM training methodology offers practical and theoretical
guidelines for delivering the DTAM curriculum in initial (IVET) and
continuing (CVET) vocational education and training courses. The
methodology is written for both VET staff and other organizations
delivering the DTAM curriculum.

Last time we told you about the results from our pilot
trainings. In case you've missed that, the short version is that the
feedback was quite positive. Now it is time to make its official
entrance in the available pool of quality education in VET
The training course focuses on 6 key areas relevant to
advanced manufacturing digitalization:
- Information Technology and Operational
- Big Data
- Machine Learning
- Internet of Things and sensors
- Cyber Security
- Transversal Competences
Each DTAM Module offers fully developed learning
outcomes specifically aimed at EQF levels 4-5+, relevant learning
activities, and practical exercises.
And the best thing it
will all be available for free via our dedicated training platform.
Be amongst the first one to give it a spin, by signing up for the
grand opening.
In the coming months we will be updating you
with all the interesting stuff going on with the DTAM project, and
believe us, there is indeed a lot going on. So in case you don’t
want to wait until the next newsletter, we totally invite you to
learn more about our ambitious DTAM initiative and learn how you
can benefit from it by:
- Downloading the
official presentation of the project
available by clicking on the button below;
- You may also visit
our official website, where we post
interesting content on a regular basis;
- Follow us on social media to engage with us
and other fellow associates directly.