ST Open Innovation Day Grenoble Nov 27

Minalogic, along with its partner clusters from the Silicon Europe Alliance, is preparing an Open Innovation Day with STMicroelectronics, Semi-conductor Worldwide leader.

The event will take place in Grenoble, France on November 27th and concerns two Product Groups: APMS (Analog, Power & Discrete, MEMS and Sensors), and MDRF (Microcontrollers, Digital ICs, and RF).

 Aiming to collaborate more closely with external partners and their ecosystems, STMicroelectronics, is looking for SME, Startup companies or project led by an R&D lab developing a technology solution (TRL>4) which could be part or combined with ST products and offer. For a matter of clarity, the technology solution shall be positioned prior or at the same level on the value chain, not after, of ST components, and on the domain of computing, edge AI, and sensors.
This event aims to identify, qualify, and assess, the possible candidates to enter a partnership, enabling the selected organization to develop their technology, and their business, with the support of ST R&D team.

As the type of solution, organization, and maturity, could be different, support from ST will be adapted upon the need and subject to a specific agreement for the selected candidate: technical, industrial, managerial, financial …

We have identified your company as being of potential interest to ST. If the opportunity of meeting this corporation is of interest to you, please contact us.
Further information (in particular technological priorities) can only be communicated once a confidentiality agreement has been signed.

If you are interested, please let us know by email before September 6th. to: with copy to: