CORFU 2022 9th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management will take place (both with physical presence and online) in Corfu Island, Greece from 15th to 18th June 2022. The conference website is available at: The deadline for abstract submission is on 31st December 2021 ( The summer school - Executive Training on waste management (4th PhD Summer School with 3 ETCS credits) will take place on 13th & 14th June 2022. Four (4) keynote speakers and four (4) collaborating journals have already been announced. It is noted that the poster area will be continuously accessible, awards will be provided for the best posters during the closing session, while a wide exhibition area is foreseen for companies/entities dealing with waste & energy. A HORIZON2020, LIFE & INTERREG session will be included in the oral sessions with the presence of high level European Commission representatives providing networking opportunities. Contact: Dr Konstantinos Moustakas Senior Researcher-Project Manager Telephone: +30 2107723108 Email: |