European Digital Twin Project Meeting at Politeknika Txorierri

On October 1st and 2nd, 2024, Politeknika Txorierri in Derio hosted a significant meeting for the European Digital Twin project in which GAIA is participating as project partner. The purpose of the meeting was to follow up on the project's development, assess progress, and align on upcoming deliverables. 

The meeting started welcome address from the project leader, APRO, and representatives from Politeknika Txorierri. The first session focused on project management and quality assurance, where APRO presented the formative reports.

After a short coffee break, a remote intervention from Raffaella Menconi of Siemens SCE provided an update on the project’s latest developments. The meeting then shifted to Curriculum & Methodology, where participants discussed the goals and learning outcomes of the curriculum, teaching methods, forms of assessment, and the development of multimedia introductions.

GAIA played an active role in the parallel sessions dedicated to WP3: Training Course, specifically focusing on the design and setup of training modules and materials. During the afternoon, GAIA participated in a series of collaborative sessions with partners such as APRO, ATSTeam3D, B&B, and GBM, where training modules were designed and discussed.

The day's agenda concluded with sessions on Dissemination, Exploitation, and Sustainability, where participants, including GAIA, discussed strategies for the dissemination and exploitation of the project's results. Individual partner interviews were conducted with the external evaluator, Sofia Kasola, followed by discussions on financial reporting.

The day ended with a dinner at a local restaurant, providing an opportunity for informal discussions and networking.

Day 2 Highlights

The second day of the meeting commenced with discussions on Training Course, where the creation of Digital Twin Labs by the project partners was a central topic. Politeknika Txorierri showcased their virtual reality lab, giving participants insight into how this technology is being integrated into the Digital Twin initiative.

GAIA contributed to the WP5: Dissemination, Exploitation, and Sustainability session, where the development of spots about the Digital Twin for EDUVET providers, companies, and stakeholders  was discussed, alongside other dissemination activities.

The meeting concluded with WP4: Pilot Testing, Review, and Finalization, where partners shared experiences of pilot tests and skill competitions. The project timeline was reviewed, with no upcoming deliverables until the end of December 2024. APRO will deliver formative and financial reports by the end of the year, and the peer review of training modules and materials will be completed by the same deadline. Training of teachers for the Digital Twin labs will be completed by October 31, 2024.

About Digital Twin

Digital Twin is a pioneering initiative designed to integrate advanced digital twin technologies into the heart of manufacturing education and practice. This project aims to forge a strong link between current educational frameworks and the dynamic needs of the industry, preparing a new generation of technicians equipped with the skills to innovate, optimize, and revolutionize smart manufacturing processes. Join us as we embark on this journey to reshape the future of manufacturing through cutting-edge educational and technological advancements.

Project website: