As it was pointed out in the previous article thanks to the project Skills4Cities we came to the conclusion that three professions are among the most relevant for facing the challenges of the smart city projects implementation and they are:
- Smart city project developer
- Smart city project manager
- Smart city project advisor
This, third consecutive article is about the job role of the Smart City
Project Manager (SCPM).
Role Description
The role of
the Smart City Project Manager (SCPM) can be played by an
external professional, hired based on a time contract or on a project basis as
well as an internal person that occupies a position in the city administration
(in rarer cases). She or he could be a practitioner preferably with at least a
bachelor’s degree in ICT/ Electronics/ Computer Engineering, many years of
technical expertise, and project management certification, recognized by
international project management certification bodies.
The Smart City PM could be engaged by the city’s governments or other city’s
stakeholders to manage and implement various smart cities projects based on the
previously developed terms of reference. She or he may participate also from
the beginning of smart city project development, being included fully or
partially in participatory work with the Smart City Project Developer, a job role that we have already described in the previous
Apart from the experience, knowledge, and skills in project management and
coordination in general the Smart City PM must be able to demonstrate
many other abilities including knowing and effectively explaining the
city digital transformation strategy and the specific project approach to
external partners audiences, or other stakeholders and the role of the project
he/she runs within the context of the strategy documents of the city.
The Smart City PM must have strong management skills including strong
leadership and team working, the ability to provide strategic guidance,
technical oversight, build strong teams, mentor staff, develop work plans, and
manage budgets and project expenditures. One of the most important roles of the
PM is to effectively manage the network with partners at all levels
(local government, development partners, private sector, NGOs, and Academia).
More than other project managers the Smart City PM must demonstrate written,
analytical, presentation, reporting, and computing skills and familiarity with
modern communication systems (internet, world wide web, email, etc), as well as
very good knowledge of matters related to the digitalization, ICT policy and
regulations in these areas. And because of the nature of the smart city
projects, this PM must be particularly well skilled in conflict and change
As well as Smart City Project Developer she or he must know very well the critical
success factors and the usual mistakes one city makes when implementing smart
city projects and know good practices as well as have experience with other
smart city projects.
The Smart City PM monitors and supervises the work of Smart City Consultants
(advisers), institutions, government staff, and other partners, facilitate
meetings, and, as far as possible, ensures the timely and responsive delivery
of outputs and reports. Provides to institutions/consultants visiting or
engaged in assignments, including preparing itineraries, appointments and
assisting with travel and other logistical arrangements.
Responsibilities & Duties
The Smart City
PM provides required technical leadership and administrative support to
coordinate and implement project activities across a city while
ensuring effective linkages to the core strategy and objectives of the
transformation process of the city into a smart city. Prepares and coordinates
an annual work plan for submission to the head of digital transformation
services. She or he reviews and prepares analysis and research on the sector,
using regional and global resources including academia and industry.
The PM helps the departments of the municipality in bringing new allies and
strengthening the commitment of existing partners. Establishes close
collaboration and working arrangements with a interdisciplinary team composed
of experts from local government, private sector, NGOs, and other professional
associations, to ensure good coordination, collaboration, and timely conduct of
Smart City activities.
The PM follows through the mobilization of funds/resources from other
development partners and institutions to complete the financing of the Smart
City projects. Provides periodical reports on the progress of project
activities and issues arising. Participates in project meetings and workshops
and other activities as required. Prepares the terms of reference and
identifies consultants/institutions to undertake assignments in accordance with
the approved work plan.
What is the relation and similarity of this job role to other job roles?
To my
understanding this job role (profession) is quite similar and close to other
commonly accepted and used in the professional world professions such as
Certified Project Manager, Project Management Professional, EU Project Manager.
To be continued...
The next article will be dedicated to the description of the second identified
job role (profession) namely the Smart City Project Advisor.