QUANTUMatter2023 International Conference & Expo: https://www.quantumconf.eu/2023/index.php
More info about 2022 edition in Barcelona: https://www.quantumconf.eu/2022/index.php
We expect around 600 participants for this International event to be organised at the Pablo VI conference centre – see https://www.quantumconf.eu/2023/venue.php for more info.
A list of high-profile confirmed speakers (24 as of 14/12/2022) is available at https://www.quantumconf.eu/2023/speakers.php
packages: https://www.quantumconf.eu/2023/sponsors.php#sponopp
Early bird fee until February 23, 2023
Other sponsoring opportunities: https://www.quantumconf.eu/2023/sponsors.php#opp
Confirmed sponsors: IKUR, DIPC, CFM, Quantum Machines, Qblox, Oxford Instruments and APS
Confirmed exhibitors: Quantum Machines, Qblox, Oxford Instruments and Delft Circuits.
Exhibition packages: https://www.quantumconf.eu/2023/exhibition.php
Early bird fee until February 24, 2023
In the framework of this conference there is a strong participation of the top companies on Quantum research such as IBM, Microsoft or Google and we are convinced it will be a formidable international platform for all communities involved in quantum science and technologies to meet and boost networking, collaborations and alliances. An Industrial Forum will take place on the second day (in parallel to more fundamental sessions) gathering main companies, start-ups and key industries strongly involved in quantum technologies and applications.
Conchi Narros Director Phantoms Foundation C/ Alfonso Gómez, 17 - 2ª planta – Oficina 11 28037 Madrid, Spain Email: conchi@phantomsnet.net