We inform you about our international business convention dedicated to the aerospace industry : AEROMART, which will be held in Toulouse from November 29 to December 1st, 2022 .
You’ll find attached the purchase order and the fees.
Aeromart is not a traditional exhibition, it’s a matchmaking program strictly reserved for professionals from global civil and defense aviation industry.
Through this event, abe/BCI Aerospace will gain the resources to create an online interactive platform allowing the organization to participate in targeted meetings, exchanges and high-level conferences between contractors, OEMs, subcontractors and suppliers of the aero spatial industry.
For this 14th edition, more than 1300 companies will be attending and 45 countries will be represented (Europe, Maghreb, North & South America, Asia…). Thanks to the recurring participation of major OEMs and Tiers 1, Aeromart has demonstrated its international stature, becoming an unmissable event for all players in the aerospace industry.
You must sign up to attend. Two and a half weeks prior to the forum you'll have to identify and request meetings with relevant contacts through our detailed online catalog. Your approved meetings and those you have accepted (among the requests you received) will be pre-arranged on a schedule.
How does it work?
1. Register online & fill out the form describing your company, the products, capabilities & services you offer.
2. 3 weeks before the event, you have access to all the participants and can choose who you want to meet with.
3. Taking into account the wishes of all participants, abe/BCI aerospace will schedule your business meetings and create a personalized meeting agenda taking place over a 2-day period.
4. You attend the business convention, including business meetings and conferences.
November 29 : Aeromart Summit - one day conference, registration fee : 300€/participant.
November 30 – December 1 :Business Convention - prearranged one-to-one meetings and workshops
For more information, please visit our website : http://toulouse.bciaerospace.com/en/
And feel free to download :
. 2020 List of participants (pdf)
. Web banner to add in your signature
Contact :
Lola Aguilar
Area Manager Spain, Portugal & Brazil
advanced business events / BCI AEROSPACE
Tél. +33 (0)1 41 86 41 35
* laguilar@advbe.com