We are pleased to inform you that the international
seminar "The smart city project - the building block of digital
transformation" that was organized on 28.04.2022 by the Cluster Sofia Knowledge
City and University of Library Science and IT has finished with success.
It was a stage of the ongoing international project
№:2020-1-BG01-KA202-079071 "Smart skills for smarter cities", funded by the
Erasmus+ Programme and supported by members of the cluster and the
Digitalization, Innovation and Economic Development Department at the Sofia
Over 50 participants had the opportunity to be
in Launchee
Center in Sofia to meet the panelists from Innovative Sofia, GATE
Institute, ARIES Transilvania, RISK Electronics, ECQA, Austria, and IDEC, Greece
and to listen to their discussions.
Most of the participants in the event were representatives of smart city
stakeholders, students and those who are interested in smart city technologies, challenges and good practices.
The participants' attention was drawn on the needs of professional knowledge and skills to improve the efficiency of digital transformation of cities and on the role of three new professions directly concerned with the developing, managing and implementing smart city projects.
For those who are interested to view the presentations of our panelists, click on the links below:
- Milena Koleva, CSKC - Result from survey
- Velko Velkov, Innovative Sofia - Sofia: Digital - Smart - Innovative
- Kaloyan Karamitov, GATE Institute - Digital Twins for Urban Planning and Design
- Alexandru Roha, ARIES Transilvania, Romania - Successful Smart City projects in Cluj-Napoca
- Georgi Kissjov, RISK Electronics - Waste management in a smart city
- Michael Rainer - ECQA, Austria - Validation model for smart city skills
- Eugenia Kovacheva - University of Library Science and IT - Job roles, competences and education
- Antonio Gennarelli - Project Manager, IDEC, Greece - Smart skills for smarter cities - an approach for educational curriculum
We also thank to our moderators Milena Koleva and Christian Filipov from CSKC.
More about the project and the planned outputs and deliverables everyone can
find on the project website here.
ed on national and European levels.
Author: CSKC